Seller, buyer and interested persons Registration – under the described terms and disclaimer – is open: The description by the seller of each asset for sale – filled in the google form as a basis for the auction – should be comprehensive, true and fair.
This Startup-Recycling auction platform on will be opened on our spring Fair on 6th April 2020. Our team will cross-check the proposed assets and bring the liked ones to the auction-platform. Dealflow between our sellers and buyers is ongoing. Plenty of stunning Startup-Recycling deals will be seen in the coming months and prepare the following Startup-Recycling Fair, held on 29th June 2020 for amazing deals.
Full-Registration necessary for participation and/or access to the event and/or platform. *** Event will be online only (Corona proof) *** Meeting room (Monday 06th april 2020 15:30 – 17:30 local Time in Zurich (GMT+2).
#StopBusinessWaste: 9 out of 10 startups are closed and the assets and associated valuable resources for our planet often go to waste. Our goal is to change that by recycling “freshly screwed assets” that are “to good to go”. Pimp your startup. Unexploited tangible / intangible Startup-Assets are presented to investors/entrepreneurs for takeover.
Sellers may propose one or more assets (max. 10), by using one single database entry each. Please describe duly, what you offer and what is your asked price in return. From there, we determine who will be listed in the auction and may pitch / present to the audience. Our decision is final but revisable by our side for future events. The Zurich Internet Entrepreneurs Meetup Page pre-registration is optional for providers of non-activated projects, discontinued startups and underexploited company assets.
Buyers are qualified investors and entrepreneurs. Consumers are not admitted. The Future of Finance and Investment Meetup Page pre-registration is optional for qualified investors or buyers.
As far as we know, we are the first platform (on- and offline trade fair/trading platform) for Corporate-Asset Recycling. We foster the startup ecosystem by bringing together corporate providers with qualified investors, interested in the creation of sustainable business projects.
Help us to awake stunning non-activated projects, to revive startups that are ‘to good to go’ and to bring underexploited but sustainbale corporate assets to the next level.
Safe the dates:
Mondays 29.06.2020, 15:00 – 19:00, 19.10.2020, 15:00 – 19:00; 11.01.2021; 05.04.2021.